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Wool grade

Quality number is internationally widely used technology of wool fineness index, its meaning is a pound of combed Mao Nengfang into 560 yards (about 512M) the length of the yarn number. S said the quality number. As spun into 60 sections and 560 yards long yarn, yarn is 60 (60s). In the metric system is based on 1kg worsted spun yarn can number the length of 1000m, called the number of branches. The fine wool, wool root unit weight in the more number of spun yarn can be longer. Therefore, the fine wool, the higher the quality number.

For wool felt, is the finer wool better?
Also not necessarily.
Different thickness and length of wool, have their different advantages. For example, the coarse wool may not be soft enough for the skin, but the needle felt is easier to be felt, the same weight of coarse wool, the volume of the product is also greater (that is to say, Mao O). Fine wool, such as Superfine Merino, used for wet felt personal works, or needle felting works is more delicate, but because the finer, manifested in the needle felt, would be the same weight of the works is smaller and more compact, in the wet blanket, is softer, not firm people.
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